Steps For Magnetic Wealth

Very often, people make the same mistake of trying to attract wealth to themselves, in other words, they hold a perception of wealth and themselves as being separate entities, and they must physically draw wealth into their lives. However, this kind of perception is false because of its focus on separation. Attracting wealth and you are not separate; you and anything else are not separate - all is one.

Your personal wealth is already a part of you but you cannot see it because you are not attuned to it energetically. It is just like looking into a mirror that has a marred surface. Even though the scratches and blotches prevent you from to seeing your complete reflection, you still know that your body is complete. Just as you always know that those apparent "missing" aspects of your body in the reflection are not missing at all, your wealth is not missing from your life either. It is simply blocked from your view at this moment.

So, how can you expand your own view so that you can visibly "see" your wealth, and better yet, access it fully?

There are certain key steps to take so that you can gain more ideas for financial freedom:

Believe it is already here.

By consistently affirming that your wealth does not yet exist, it cannot become visible to you. You have to start believing that it is already in existence, even if you don't yet have access to it. This can be done simply by consistently saying things like, "My wealth is already here; I can feel my wealth already within me; I trust that the universe will show me how to expand my awareness so I can allow it."

Feel your wealth.

The condition of having more than enough (which is really what wealth is) has a tangible sensation all its own. Have you ever felt it before? Perhaps you enjoyed a particularly thrifty shopping trip and had $50 in your pocket after you were done. How did it feel to have that extra money and not have to spend it on anything unless you wanted to? If you currently have a savings account that has several hundred to several thousand dollars in it, think about that money and pay attention to how you feel. Does it make you feel safe and secure just knowing it is there in case you need it?

The sensation of being wealthy is exactly like that, but expanded many times over. Close your eyes and imagine that you have millions of dollars in the bank right now. The money is already there, fully accessible to you. How would that change the way you view your life circumstances? How would it change the way you feel about paying bills or spending money? When you truly feel wealthy you will realize that you approach life in a very different way than you did when you felt like there was never enough.


If you were already wealthy right now, you would not be trying to attract wealth, right? You would already have it! This is one of the big ways that many people keep themselves apart from their wealth; they are constantly trying to attract it, pulling at it, seeking it, pursuing it - and all the universe can return to them is more separation from their wealth. Instead, relax and allow your wealth to become visible to you. Feel wealthy already, and your wealth will be irresistibly drawn to you like metal shavings to a magnet.

Quotes for the day:

"True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice."
*-- Samuel Johnson

"I can have peace of mind only when I forgive rather than judge."
*-- Gerald G. Jampols 

Relevant Reading :
Be a Magnet to Money : Bob Proctor 

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